Monday 22 March 2010

Who would be your audience for your media product?

The age rating that would work for our film is 15. This is because it contains images such as blood and a dead body, that would scare children.

This is a screenshot of one of the scenes in our opening sequence and it is an image of a dead body and contains an image of blood which shows that it would be aimed at audiences from 15 and onwards.

A thriller film that is rated 15 is 'The Shining'.

This thriller film is aimed at an audience that i would like to attract of 15 and above is becuase it is similar to our opening sequence as it includes images of blood and would scare children of a young age this shows that it is clear to the audience it is relevant for being a 15.

Another thriller film that is rated a 15 is The 'Sixth Sense'(1999).

This thriller film is aimed at an audience of 15 that i would like to attract is becuase it is a dark film and contains scary images this would be for an audience of 15 and above as from that age they would be mature and understanding.

Synopsis of the Film 'The Shining'.

Jack is a recovering alcoholic that takes a job as a caretaker for a resort/hotel that shuts down every year for the winter. His son, Danny, has a kind of sixth sense and can "hear" other peoples' thoughts as well as converse with them. He is also able to see bad things from the past. Jack gets cabin fever and goes mad. Tragedy ensues.

This compares to our film ideas becuase one of our ideas was 'psycho' and this thriller compares becuase its about a man who is a complete maniac and our idea is about a similar image.

Synopsis of 'The Sixth Sense'

In this tense tale of psychological terror, Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) is a child psychologist whose new patient has a problem far outside his usual area of expertise. Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) is six-years-old and claims to see the spirits of dead people all around him. It seems that Cole has psychic powers and can channel the ghosts of those who were troubled. Cole doesn't understand his powers, and he has little control over them; he's constantly terrified by what he sees, and Dr. Crowe is the only one with whom he feels he can share this secret. However, as the doctor digs deeper into Cole's strange powers, it leads to strange and unexpected consequences for both of them.

This compares to one of our film ideas of 'psychological'. This is becuase its about a childs mind and how he sees strange things and supernatural beings. It plays with the childs mind. This reflects on our idea becuase it demonstrates 'psycholigcal'.

Typical Target Audience Member

This person is an image of a teenager ages 15-17 that would enjoy our film. The reason this is her age is becuase she looks young and mature.Their interests would be to go to the cinemas often. She seems to dress like a casual girl. The reason why they would be the type of person to like our film because she is young and her age matches the age rating so it would be suitable for her also becuase teenagers like the feeling of thrills and excitement.