Monday 29 March 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I-Movie is a software that you upload videos that you made and importing your video onto it. Then iMovie helps you organize your video just as you organize photos: by putting everything in one central location and grouping video clips according the date they were taken. So it’s easy to find the clips you’re looking for — whether to watch or to edit.

This is a clip of a scene from our opening sequence experimenting the special effects. This is an 'Earthquake' effect and the meaning created by this is that it could give the meaning of anxiety and something bad happening.

This is another clip of a scene from our opening sequence experimenting the effect of 'Fog'. The meaning behind this effect is that it could show its a dream of some sort.

This is a screenshot of the experiment and this shows what i have learnt about I-Movie becuase it shows to me that i can use as many effects as i like to portray a meaning behind the clips. It also shows what i have learnt about I-Movie becuase i used different effects for the opening sequence and used I-Movie to create these special effects.

This is another screenshot of the experiment to show the earthquake effect and shows what i have learnt about I-movie becuase it tells me that i can use various effects to potray a meaning behind the opening sequence.