Monday 15 March 2010

In what ways does your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media Products?

The conventions of a thriller film is what we expect to see in a thriller movie. We expect to hear screaming, gun shots,people dying,and a dark atmosphere. These conventions should be present in a thriller film. In a Thriller opening sequence there must be conventions but not all the conventions should be present as it is only the opening. It should be quite dull/dark. The two thriller opening sequences I will be comparing to our opening sequence are; The Kingdom and The Shining. The sequence of The Kingdom is a cloudy and grim atmosphere and has military writing. It also has gun shots at the background. The Shining is a complete contrast. The background is bright and is very atmospheric with hills/mountains. The setting looks picturesque. The music is quite subtle and quiet but also sounds mysterious.

We have followed conventions to our opening sequence by having the background looking cloudy and grim. There are sounds of footsteps which demonstrates the idea that someone is coming becuase the emphasis is on the sound of footsteps.

This is a screenshot which shows a dark image which is similar to the thriller film ‘the Shining’ because its a dark picture which shows we have challenged conventions and followed them.