Wednesday 10 March 2010

How does your Media Product Represent Particular Social Groups

I will choose two characters from different thriller films that is simliar to the characters we have used in our opening aequence. 'The Strangers' is a thriller film. A character from the film is called ' Kristen McKay' and is a young lady who recently got married. This character is similar to 'Tasha' in our opening sequence becuase they are both afraid and protective of their loved ones. For example; Tasha loves her brother and is protective over him and gets extremely hurt when she sees her brother dead. This is similar to the other character from 'The Strangers' as when she sees her husband dead she also is terrified and damaged.

Another thriller film is 'Flight Plan' the character is called ' Kyle Pratt' which is similar to the character 'Marie' in our opening sequence. This is becuase in the film when she finds her daughter has gone she panics and gets extremely concerned with what has happened. In the opening sequence Marie behaves exactly the same when she realises the little child has dissappeared. Also, becuase this character is similar to Marie from the opening sequence as they are worried.

These characters represent women as emotional and stressed becuase it shows how they are portrayed in the film, and how they react to certain situations which gives the idea of how women can be when they are in that position. In Thriller films, women victims are sterotypically represented by the way they act in scenes. For example; if they see a shadow behind the door and it looks suspicious, they would still go to the door and see what it is. This shows that women are sterotypically represnted as niave and Innocent.