Wednesday 11 November 2009

Opening sequence

Film Title: ‘The Shining’
The titles that are presented in the film are blue, it is also quite a boring font and doesnt fit the mood as the music presented is creepy and this font doesnt match with it. The writing font is basic and only the title is coloured blue and surrounding the title are mountains and trees. It is bold which is significant because it stands out which is the first thing we see which shows that the title is the most important image of the film and we should be focused on the title. The film is directed by Stanley Kubrick, and produced by Robert Fryer.

Film Title: ‘The Kingdom’
The narrative is introduced in the opening sequence by starting off with an image of what looks like a deserted island and shows a date and shows different dates with different images throughout the opening. Towards the end it shows a person which could be the president speaking. The film language is military language. It is like the narrator is describing a war. The mise en scene is the images of people who are in the country ‘Arabia’ and showing terrorists walking around the streets. This gives me an idea that the film is set in Saudi Arabia and about a war. Sound is used in the opening, but sounds that come from guns, and aeroplanes. These sounds give clues that the film could be a ‘Thriller’ because it shows that there is killing involved and nerve racking tension which builds suspense

Film Title: ‘Fight Club’
Genre is introduced in the opening sequence because we see dark colours being presented which portrays a sense of evil. This could show that the film could be a Thriller. The character we see first is an extreme close up of a man which focuses on his eyes which looks terrified, he looks like hes being tortured. This introduces the main character because hes the first person we are focused on, he is our main focus. The conventions that are present in the film are guns which shows that this is what we expect to see in a Thriller film. The film tries and grabs the audiences attention because theres a build up of suspense using sound, the sound gets higher and louder which makes us feel anxious. The questions im left after watching the opening sequence are; Why is the character being Tortured? Who is he? What has he done to be in this position?